Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Ballad Of Johnny Sweet: Baltimore Comic Con

I hope to see everyone there at Baltimore's Comic Con (And Hopefully Annapolis Comic Con, but they still haven't gotten back to me or updated their website and the date's mad-approaching, so I don't know whats up...) Any way, this looks like it might be the cover of the free mini-comic I'll be giving away, which will feature the beginning of the Saccharine story... I don't want to give too much away, but to anyone who might be reading this, it is pretty awesome. Lloyd does stuff, and things happen. Haha. Vague, much?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Towson Mall

Here's a picture of the towson mall that I did for my illustrator class. I spent a good amount of time on it, so I hope it doesn't suck. haha.

Old Stuff

I'm sure theres a lot that I've forgotten to put here, especially since I always seem to forget to update this (i really need to get better at that, haha) Anyway, he's a picture of The Hulk I did as a commission for last year's Baltimore comic con. If I was to do it now, there's a lot that I would've done differently... Still I thought it was at least worth showing off. 

A picture of a Bob-Omb that I did a while ago for my illustrator class
And a sketch I did of a girl.  Somewhere I have a version where I did some quick line art over her, but I can't exactly seem to find it. Anyway, while I totally borrowed the Ankh and the eye of horus style makeup from death, this was all drawn from my head. So yeah. I hope you guys think this stuff is cool.

Currently working on my comic, Saccharine: The Ballad Of Johnny Sweet. Right now I'm working on the cover page as the final project for my Illustrator class. I'll have it up on here in maybe like three to four days? Hopefully. I've got a lot of work to do in all my classes...